How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

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How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

Postby Justme » Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:44 am

7 out of 10 times I click on an object to move it, Inkscape enters node-editing mode automatically which drives me nuts... Is there a way to make it cut this terrible habit?
I only want to move the damn objects NOT edit them! If I wanted to edit them a damn shortcut (eg shift + click) could do it reliably without any interference with the workflow. Arbitrary auto-stupidity doesn't help -it becomes an obstacle! I wonder if the developers actually use the program for anything serious. Even then, not everyone is using the software for the same purpose they do!

Not to mention Inkscape catches microsecond glitches of the mouse button and either loses the moving object or catches multiple clicks etc -a simple filter routine (debouncing) needs to be implemented -I only experience this with inkscape, and my mouse is the Logitech Performance MX -not a cheapo mouse!

The same with click toggling resize vs rotate -if you don't pay attention to the tiny arrows or if Inkscape catches multiple clicks (erroneously), you might ruin the object, then undo, repeat and your workflow is interrupted. Sequential mode change is always the worse one, especially on the most common generic action: Left mouse button!

Can all this autostupid behavior be changed and be replaced with custom shortcuts?

EDIT: Multiple bug issues: I select 3 lines to scale them, the scale arrow becomes green and they don't scale!!! If I zoom-in, they do scale!

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Re: How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

Postby hulf2012 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:00 am

I've taken a look in previous messages of yours... and it seems that Inkscape it's not for you. There are other open source projects ("free as free beers" in most of the cases), that could help you in your work: Krita, Karbon, GImp, LibreOffice Draw, Scribus, and maybe others that could help you.

I'll give a try anyway, consult here:
In particular: ... omize.html

If that it's not enough... I can't help you more, sorry.

To give ehhh... "feedback" to the developers, go to:
or similar links in that page.

I have to say, at some point, I'm agree with you with aaall the annoyances We can find in Inkscape. But I'm not agree on being impolite, or been always in "bad mood".

My usual behavior is always ask for sharing a sample SVG of yours. Maybe, me or other users can help you to overcome the
annoyances... it's up to you.

If you have problems:
1.- Post a sample (or samples) of your file please.
2.- Please check here:
3.- If you manage to solve your problem, please post here your solution.

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Re: How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

Postby Lazur » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:43 am

Justme wrote:7 out of 10 times I click on an object to move it, Inkscape enters node-editing mode automatically

Sounds you are "too fast". By double clicking you get into "edit mode" with the node tool. I guess you have your cursor set in a way that is blocking you.
It should work by click and drag, not click to select, and click again to drag after.
Just one click -half the fuss.

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Re: How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

Postby Justme » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:38 am

hulf2012 wrote:Hello
I've taken a look in previous messages of yours... and it seems that Inkscape it's not for you. There are other open source projects ("free as free beers" in most of the cases), that could help you in your work: Krita, Karbon, GImp, LibreOffice Draw, Scribus, and maybe others that could help you.

You're right, Inkscape is not for me. I did some search and currently I'm using Serif DrawPlus Starter Edition (free version) and so far I have to say it works like a charm, finally a vector tool that doesn't become an obstacle for the designer. It seems 20 times better organized, user friendlier and with a faster vector engine than Inkscape. I don't mind if it has a few features less (the free version) -while I'm not missing any, what I want is those features that it does have, to work reliably, and intuitively -without driving me nuts.

From the rest of the software you suggest (thanks), I'm using Krita the only one worth mentioning for paint work NOT vector -but it suffers from usability issues too.

hulf2012 wrote:I have to say, at some point, I'm agree with you with aaall the annoyances We can find in Inkscape. But I'm not agree on being impolite, or been always in "bad mood".

I was always in "bad mood" because I always replied here after being so frustrated, that I would decide to stop working and start posting questions and complaints. If you make a complaint without expressing your frustration as a user about the unjustified flaws, you won't do the favor to the creators of the software to provide them raw feedback which should make them wiser -if they have any honest intention to do some serious work. Now don't tel me "it's free, you should always be grateful no matter what" because if I pay the "free software" with frustration, lack of usability, inefficiency and time spend on fighting with the interface, then it is not free at all.
Anyway, I do not intent to go back to Inkscape, so no more "impolite" posts from me.

Have a nice day/evening.

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Re: How can I stop automatically entering node edit mode???

Postby Maestral » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:13 pm

:tool_zoom: <<< click! - but, those with a cheaper tickets should go this way >>> :!:

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