Import SVG into GIMP

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Import SVG into GIMP

Postby Jenzi » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:04 am


I save my image in inkscape as svg. Afterwards I'll load this svg graphic into gimp. GIMP display me a popUp with with/height and X/Y. I can change every parameter, but gimp doesn't show me the full graphic. gimp show me only a part of it.

Could you help me please



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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby microUgly » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:26 am

GIMP should display the area of the drawing defined by the canvas. Does the canvas area properly encompass your drawing? If it does, are you able to post the SVG for us to examine? My own tests had GIMP open SVG's without a problem.


Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:26 am

It does the same for me...
I create a button in Inkscape, group all selections,
save as svg.

Open it in GIMP and shows everything white... ???

The only way I found was to Export as Bitmap and then open in GIMP...

so I assume that something is wrong with saving and opening in SVG

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby llogg » Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:52 pm

Are you saving as inkscape svg or plain svg?

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby microUgly » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:54 pm

... and you made sure the drawing is inside the canvas area?


Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby morpheus » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:17 am

I am encountering the same problem. I make a graphic (a closed path consisting of straight lines and bezier'ed to contain some curves) in inkscape and save it as an svg. When I 'path import' this into gimp, all I get it is the bunch of points. I lose the path information, connectivity as well as the 'beziered' attributes. I'm copy pasting the svg below. I am working with GIMP version 2.6.8 and Inkscape 0.47. Will appreciate any help.
-Morpheus :D

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->

id="defs2837" />
d="m 286.88332,411.92547 0,292.94424 363.65492,4.04061 -187.88837,-36.36549 195.96959,-60.60916 c -84.46199,10.50948 -221.19812,25.5633 -195.96959,-30.30457 29.65808,-64.11857 183.4541,-198.28656 175.76654,-189.90868 -19.12749,20.84509 -76.59567,39.28599 -127.27922,54.54823 -63.26292,4.25338 -0.17772,-96.01951 24.24366,-155.56349 L 434.36559,446.27066 381.83766,236.15893 345.47217,529.10316 286.88332,411.92547 z"
style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" />

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby brynn » Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:39 am

I've been told by advanced GIMP users (at a GIMP forum) that GIMP's SVG features are quite immature, compared to Inkscape. Best to use Inkscape only and/or Export Bitmap (PNG) from Inkscape.

Why is it that you need to draw paths in Inkscape and export to GIMP? Maybe there is a better way to accomplish your goals? Could you draw the paths originally in GIMP instead, for example?

Sorry I don't know anything about XML :(

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby ~suv » Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:58 am

morpheus wrote:When I 'path import' this into gimp, all I get it is the bunch of points. I lose the path information, connectivity as well as the 'beziered' attributes. (…) I am working with GIMP version 2.6.8 and Inkscape 0.47.
Testing your file with Inkscape 0.47 and GIMP 2.6.8 (on OS X 10.5.8, but this shouldn't make a difference) - I noticed that import in GIMP as paths worked well when I converted all path segments to curves [1] in Inkscape before importing the SVG into GIMP.

The underlying cause for these issues might be the optimized path data Inkscape 0.47 uses and which is known to cause issues in other SVG renderers (e.g. QtSvgRenderer (Gwenview of KDE) , Blender). I haven't specifically tested SVG import into GIMP of Inkscape files created after changing the SVG output options in the Inkscape preferences to 1) not Allow relative coordinates and 2) Force repeat commands, but it might be worth a try whether it helps to solve your issue.

[1] Note: this is not the same as converting cusp nodes into smooth nodes: in the node tool, select all (Ctrl+A) and use the 12th button on the controls bar ("Make selected segments curves") - this keeps the shape as is, but adds handles to each node even for straight line segments (in this case collinear with the segments). This forces Inkscape to rewrite the path data in a way that seems to be better handled by GIMP's SVG import library (librsvg).


Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby bittramp » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:41 am

Yeah, it's annoying. Inkscape is just so much better for editing paths. Gimp's manual even suggests this. But getting the paths into Gimp has been a problem for me. Converting all to curves has fixed that, but then you cannot reasonably scale the paths.

The solution I found is not slick, but it works. I make an Inkscape document with dimension large enough to contain the gimp image I am working on. I flatten my working copy in gimp and save as an image, then import into my inkscape document and center it. Then I will put that image on a layer where I can hide it and what not while I work on the paths that I ultimately want to become gimp selected areas. Once I have my paths, I save the file as svg. The reason for centering the gimp image is so you can make the paths on top of the image where you want them to be and then load them into gimp and not have to move them around. Go back into gimp. I load my xcf that I am working on and do a File->Open as layers on the svg. This usually gives me larger layers than the canvas but it should be centered around the same image. Tell gimp Image->Fit canvas to layers. Import for the path import step. Here's another problem, once you select to load the svg as layers, you get a nice box to adjust coordinates (which you don't want to do), and a little check box that says "Import paths". This does not seem to work. At least it imports nothing for me. Perhaps if you save the inkscape svg without the background gimp image in it? Don't know. No worries, this step was just to get your gimp document sized to match your inkscape document. You now just go into paths, right click, import path and load that same svg again and your paths should be right where you wanted them.

So now you have two working files that are aligned with each other. Provided your project does not need to change size, you can easily create more paths in the inkscape document and import it into your gimp without worries of gimp stretching the f*ck out of your path or other such fun stuff.

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby sanzoghenzo » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:31 am

~suv wrote:I noticed that import in GIMP as paths worked well when I converted all path segments to curves [1] in Inkscape before importing the SVG into GIMP.

I'm resuming this post just to say thankyou! This helps me a lot.
I tried with Inkscape 0.48.2, Gimp 2.8.2, Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for that button? I cannot find on tutorial and tooltip doesn't help...

I haven't specifically tested SVG import into GIMP of Inkscape files created after changing the SVG output options in the Inkscape preferences to 1) not Allow relative coordinates and 2) Force repeat commands, but it might be worth a try whether it helps to solve your issue.

just tested, didn't work.
The strange thing is not all my paths were translated incorrectly (and I have a lot of rectangular nodes, architectural drawings).

Thanks again, I think it has to be put on Inkscape or GIMP manual or some howto!

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby brynn » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:18 am

sanzoghenzo wrote:
~suv wrote:I noticed that import in GIMP as paths worked well when I converted all path segments to curves [1] in Inkscape before importing the SVG into GIMP.

I'm resuming this post just to say thankyou! This helps me a lot.
I tried with Inkscape 0.48.2, Gimp 2.8.2, Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for that button? I cannot find on tutorial and tooltip doesn't help...

I'm not sure if you might be looking for "Make selected segments curves" button on Node tool control bar?

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Re: Import SVG into GIMP

Postby sanzoghenzo » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:43 am

brynn wrote:I'm not sure if you might be looking for "Make selected segments curves" button on Node tool control bar?

yep, I wondered if there's a shortcut for that button. And I found it: shift+u.
Should be added to the tooltip or the tutorial ;)

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