I sat here and have a drawing, when I suddenly came to think - Why in earth is Object to path and Stroke to path two different functions with their own button and keyboard assignment?
Why couldn't it just be one function, say it was named "Convert to path"?
I feel I'll never learn what key bindings activates wich of those two functions.
[solved] Object to path and Stroke to path
[solved] Object to path and Stroke to path
Last edited by Grobe on Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Object to path and Stroke to path
Learning key shortcuts for those functions for me was much helped
by the fact I wrote down them in each advice I made in which they were involved.
So Shift+Ctrl+C is now in my fingers for converting object to path,
the stroke to path waits for that routine.
I found the first one much frequent in drawing than the other.
But they both have their own different functionality that cannot be merged together.
In blender there are similar situations.
Like in object mode Ctrl+A calls for similar, but different functions, so a submenu appears on screen.
Learning key shortcuts for those functions for me was much helped
by the fact I wrote down them in each advice I made in which they were involved.
So Shift+Ctrl+C is now in my fingers for converting object to path,
the stroke to path waits for that routine.
I found the first one much frequent in drawing than the other.
But they both have their own different functionality that cannot be merged together.
In blender there are similar situations.
Like in object mode Ctrl+A calls for similar, but different functions, so a submenu appears on screen.
Re: Object to path and Stroke to path
I use both function frequently, and I also miss/forgot the correct key combination "all the time".
I realized maybe this thread should belong in the Inkscape Ideas topic because of my next question:
Would it be hard to combine those functions in the way that Inkscape know it the selected object is a pure stroke or another object, and can choose (transparent for user) the function that suits best to the selected object?
I realized maybe this thread should belong in the Inkscape Ideas topic because of my next question:
Would it be hard to combine those functions in the way that Inkscape know it the selected object is a pure stroke or another object, and can choose (transparent for user) the function that suits best to the selected object?
Re: Object to path and Stroke to path
Pilosopong Tasyo wrote:Stroke to Path is quite different from Object to Path. Its function is to convert an object's stroke-thickness into an outline. So, if you have a circle that has a thick stroke, performing Stroke to Path will convert it into a compound path consisting of two circular paths -- the outer circle = outer edge of the original object's thick stroke, the inner circle = inner edge of... well, you get the idea.
Thank you for this excellent explanation.
I didn't knew that Stroke to path also works with predefined shapes, that makes all the difference.
And when I know that, I also do realize that merging those functions simply cannot be done. Because as you mentioned, The two functions will output two different results given the input is a predefined shape with a relatively thick stroke.