no choice of effects in menu bar

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no choice of effects in menu bar

Postby dreamersdesigns » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:55 pm

Hi. Please advise. I have the newest version of inkscape. I tried to put in effects under preferences/misc, but there was no choice for effects.

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Re: no choice of effects in menu bar

Postby brynn » Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:55 am

Welcome to the forum!

I don't know what kind of effects you mean. I know that filters used to be called effects. In older versions of Inkscape, there's an Effects menu, but no Filters menu Are you saying that there's nothing in your Filters menu? Have you perhaps found some filters on the internet, for example at Open Clipart Library, that you want to add to your copy of Inkscape? To be honest, I'm not sure how to do that. Any new filters that you find are SVG files, so to use them you would just open them with Inkscape.

Or do you mean Path Effects (Live Path Effects)? Are you saying that there are no effects listed in your Path Effects Editor? I'm not aware of any path effects that are available and ready for use, that aren't aleady included in the program. Oh, or maybe you can't find the path effects editor?? Look in Path menu, at the bottom

Or maybe you're thinking of something that you expected, that's not there, and you're using the word "effects" to describe? I guess it's hard to show a screenshot of something that's not there Image. But if it's possible, (if my comments haven't somehow answered your question) some kind of image might be helpful for us to understand. I know the Inkscape terminology is different from other graphics programs, and new users often haven't learned it all yet.

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Re: no choice of effects in menu bar

Postby dreamersdesigns » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:49 am

In one of the versions of inkscape there is an "effects" in the top menu bar. I was reading the following article ... -tutorial/ and was trying to align some text with an sphere below it. I tried using the "envelope distortion" effect in the path's effect list, but had no luck. I appreciate your attempt to help me figure this out.

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Re: no choice of effects in menu bar

Postby brynn » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:13 pm

Hhmmmm....I'm a little confused. At the time when that tutorial was written, Inkscape might have had an Effects menu. I can't remember for sure. But the screenshot illustrations don't show the menu bar.

Well, in any case, there are now 2 ways to make an envelope distortion. One is using the Extensions menu > Modify Path > Envelope, and the other is using Path menu > Path Effects Editor > Envelope Deformation. The path effect technique is quite new, and was not around when that tutorial was written. So in following that tutorials, you should use the extension, and not the path effect.

It can certainly be done with the path effect, but the instructions will be quite different.

OH, ok! I only skimmed the text of that tutorial at first. Now I've read it more closely. It appears that Envelope deformation used to be listed in the old Effects menu. That was a detail that I did not remember. So now it's in the extensions menu, as I mentioned already, and that's the one you should use with that tutorial :D

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Re: no choice of effects in menu bar

Postby ~suv » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:11 pm

The 'Effects…' menu (Inkscape 0.46 and earlier versions) had been renamed to 'Extensions…' in Inkscape 0.47:

In Release notes 0.47 > Extensions, the project wrote:«The former Effects menu is renamed to Extensions. This is less confusing and better reflects the content of the menu: a collection of extensions, written mostly in Python, which perform various tasks with or without selection.»

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