Help with batch processing images

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Help with batch processing images

Postby dorianphoenix » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:44 pm

What I want to do is take about 2000 frames of video (that is in PNG format) in one folder import them into inkscape, trace bitmap then, then export them as PNG to another folder. Is there a way to automate this? Tried looking up scripts but that wasn't what I needed. Not sure sure of the proper wording I need, back in the day when I was a slave to AI and PS there was a way to script a series of commands so you could do batch processing of large numbers of files.

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Re: Help with batch processing images

Postby Spaceboy64 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:20 pm

Did you ever find out how to do this? I would like to do the same thing and I came to this forum to look for help.

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Re: Help with batch processing images

Postby brynn » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:31 pm

I just answered your other message, spaceboy. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19603

(Probably the op wasn't answered because it's such an odd question. Why take PNG images, convert them to vector via Trace Bitmap, and then export back to PNG??? What's the point?

Plus, as I answered in your other message, there's no way to do batch tracing that without a custom script. And the op stated that scripts wasn't what he needed. There's just no way to answer.)

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