Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

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Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby chief80 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:27 am

Thanks again Xav and Brynn for my first question on the "cutout filter". Upon browsing the forum though, I noticed another style I really like, that I was wondering about. It is a cutout-style filter, but it does not contain a shadow, instead it has a solid fill. I really like this, almost better than the other one. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Is it just another filter? Thanks :D!

Also, sweet icons Podstavsky!


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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby Maestral » Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:28 pm

I believe it would be a lot easier if you just followed links from brynn`s signature, rather than opening the second topic about the same thing?
To be more specific, one of them leads you just where you want to be and what you want to see. Is it embarrassing, now a days, to go trough manuals and tutorials?
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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby brynn » Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:03 pm

I think this is the other topic: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11762. Actually it became slightly long, and ended up slightly off topic. So I understand why chief80 started another one. He had used the Cutout filter. There's also a Cutout Glow filter.

But I'm still not sure what you have in mind. Can you show us (link to the message where the image is, that you like)? I think I have an idea what you're talking about, but it would be better to see an example :D

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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby chief80 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:49 am

Sorry about that guys :oops: that is my bad.

Anyway responding to what Brynn said, If I understand correctly you would like a link to the image? I am sorry if I misunderstood you, but if so, here it is:

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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby Maestral » Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:02 am

I hope I didn't sounded harsh ... not intended to.

Here is a link that I mentioned, hope it will be useful ... ... ep098.html

...and another one which explains letterpress effect
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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby brynn » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:10 am

I didn't realize you meant the effect in that image. I thought you were just recognizing that member's work. Image I apologize.

There probably IS a filter that will do that quickly, but I couldn't say offhand which one. I would start looking in the Bevels section. But you could also do it without a filter, and definitely have more control. In other words, it would be more flexible if you didn't use the filter.

-- Type the text
-- Duplicate twice
-- Make the one on the bottom a light color (white in the sample image), then move it down slightly, and possibly to the side
-- Make the middle one a medium color like gray for a shadow, then move it up slightly, and possibly a little to the other side (from where you moved the light color)

That will make it look like the one in the sample. Since it's so small, it's hard to say for sure, but I think they didn't make any side movements. Anyway, that will make it look like the light is coming from above. If you moved the light one up and the gray/shadow one down, it will make it look like the light's coming from below. The distance that you move them will determine how "deep" the cutout looks.

Actually, I'm not sure if they used a 2nd duplicates. If there's a 3rd color in there, it's hard to see. They may have just used 2.

Sorry for the confusion :D

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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby chief80 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:49 pm

@ Maestral, no worries, I understand :)

And to both of you, thank you for the links provided and the set of instructions. Very helpful. I am definitely going to try this!
If I can, I will post the results of my attempt in this thread.

Thanks again :D

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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby Maestral » Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:38 pm

:tool_zoom: <<< click! - but, those with a cheaper tickets should go this way >>> :!:

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Re: Alternative Cutout Style with Solid Fill

Postby chief80 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:29 am

Rofl xD

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