I was just about to post for help in a different Inkscapeforum forum, but I'm having trouble rendering a .svg file in GIMP, to enable me to save it as a .png, so I can upload it, so I can put examples of what I'm doing in that topic.
I don't understand what the problem might be, because just before my failed attempt to render a .svg in GIMP, I successfully rendered a different .svg in GIMP, saved as .png, and uploaded, without any problems. The only difference in the images, is that the one that successfully rendered is an image I copied out of one of the tutorials found in the Help menu (an example of what I'm trying to do). And the image I can't seem to render is what I have done so far (to show where I'm stuck). So in other words, the one I'm having trouble with is my own work, and the other is not.
So my 1st thought is that I've done something funky in my work that's preventing the rendering in GIMP. And the reason I'm posting for help is that I have no idea what that could be.
Can anyone give me some help with this? Please note that GIMP is the only other graphics program I have, and that I haven't been able to find a way to upload .svg files. I'm using ImageShack and it doesn't support .svg. And while there may well be other image storage sites that will upload .svg, I'd still like to know what I've done wrong, to create this problem rendering in GIMP.
Thanks for any comments or advice