inkscape generated image not visible in adobe reader 10

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inkscape generated image not visible in adobe reader 10

Postby inksc_nuser » Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:00 am

Hi there,

I am a completely new user to Inscape. My main purpose is to use it with latex. I created an image but when I save as pdf, I am unable to view the output with Adobe Reader (however it is visible in the preview).

These are the details:
OS: Windows 7
Inkscape version: 0.48.5 r10040
Adobe Reader version: 10

I've attached the svg file below:

These are the sequence of operations:
File- Save as - *.pdf

These are the options I select on the popup:

For my example I don't need to select the 'PDF+LaTex option' but either way it doesn't work.

I was originally trying to export this drawing using the save as pdf option:
But when it didn't work, I went for the most basic option.

I would really appreciate any help!

I'm aware this may not be the place the post this, if not, I would appreciate advice on where to submit.
svg file
(2.01 KiB) Downloaded 192 times

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Re: inkscape generated image not visible in adobe reader 10

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:31 pm

I'd try using the "export area is page"... seems to work here.
Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

The Inkscape manual has lots of helpful info!

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Re: inkscape generated image not visible in adobe reader 10

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:35 pm

Seems to work w/ export is drawing too...

FWIW, Adobe reader 8
Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

The Inkscape manual has lots of helpful info!

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:25 am

Re: inkscape generated image not visible in adobe reader 10

Postby inksc_nuser » Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:13 am

Thanks for your help.

I think I've found the source of the problem, though I don't understand at all why it's happening.

It's unrelated to Inkscape.

It seems that Adobe Reader (AR) doesn't like having more than 1 file open which contains Inkscape generated graphics. I need to completely close AR application and restart it if I want to view another pdf which contains Inkscape generated graphics. I don't know if this just applies to AR 10 or all (or if the problem is with my installation).

Thanks again,

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