Display Mode - Blurs

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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:05 am

Display Mode - Blurs

Postby jkuhl » Thu May 05, 2011 6:14 am

Blurs tend to slow my render speed, which makes drawing a bit more difficult. If I have a blur in a layer that I've completed, I tend to turn the layer's visibility off until I'm ready to save the final version.

What I'd like to see is under the display mode, an option to toggle off blurs. Maybe instead of drawing a blurred object, it just draws the outline of the object. This way when I have a few blurs in place, I can turn them off and continue working elsewhere without having the blur slow Inkscape down, the same reason, I assume, that Filters can be toggled off.

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Re: Display Mode - Blurs

Postby ~suv » Thu May 05, 2011 7:42 am

jkuhl wrote:Blurs tend to slow my render speed, which makes drawing a bit more difficult. If I have a blur in a layer that I've completed, I tend to turn the layer's visibility off until I'm ready to save the final version.

What I'd like to see is under the display mode, an option to toggle off blurs. Maybe instead of drawing a blurred object, it just draws the outline of the object. This way when I have a few blurs in place, I can turn them off and continue working elsewhere without having the blur slow Inkscape down, the same reason, I assume, that Filters can be toggled off.

:?: -- Blurs are a filter effect ('Gaussian blur' filter primitive) and turned off if you use the display mode 'No Filters'. Not sure what your real request is: do you want to turn off selectively the rendering of blurs (or other filter primitives) while rendering the remaining filter primitives? As far as I understand this can't work as you expect or it will seriously distort / affect any applied preset filter effect which uses - among others -the 'Gaussian Blur' filter primitive.

Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:05 am

Re: Display Mode - Blurs

Postby jkuhl » Thu May 05, 2011 11:38 am

lol wow

I didn't realize that was considered a filter. my bad.

There is no mastery of a subject, a true master is always training himself to be greater.

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