Embedded images won't show on other devices? (0.92.4)

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Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:40 pm

Embedded images won't show on other devices? (0.92.4)

Postby Lambbda » Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:59 pm

I have an .SVG with a number of .PNG images inside, imported from the web with Link setting. When I open it on another device/app (e.g. in Word), none of the .PNGs show.

Every guide I looked up tells me all I need is to Embed images (RMB-Embed or Extensions-Images-Embed images), but I feel like I'm crazy or it does nothing. After clicking "embed" the .PNGs remain linked to files on my computer with a URL in Object attributes.

How do I *actually* embed those .PNGs? Tracing bitmaps and coloring each one would take a long time, unles some extension exists to help. Sending .SVGs in a folder with a dozen other files is messy.

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Re: Embedded images won't show on other devices? (0.92.4)

Postby Moini » Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:02 pm

The extension should be working.

Select all (right-click, select same, object type) or none of the images (not a single one!), then run the embed extension.
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