scatter? spread? crowd? in extensions

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scatter? spread? crowd? in extensions

Postby sunaden » Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:08 am

Hi inkscapers.

in following figure,showing shapes stamped along the curve path.
1.usually Pattern Along Path.The shape is deformed at the curve maximum. in v0.47. Scatter in extensions. the shape is not deformed.
3.I have wanted to scatter many shapes, scaling, rotating and offset at random, like gold dust spread.
I make a 3th image, with my 'scatter' extension. but unfortunately in rotating, shapes are deformed by the cause that I don't know. :cry:
my 'scatter' extension is able to get from a site posted to "Inkscape & the Web" .
4. new in v0.47. Sketch in LPEs. Sketch is a useful tool expressing the crowd.
4th image is drawing on the line skeltons by the right parameters. but only strokes and is forced to wait in every time changing many parameters. :roll:

thank you.


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