my file svg is fine and works as perfect!! but i did see inside code of my svg there are million gradients!!!
i did copy from my svg to file.txt..
see this link
http://digidownload.libero.it/jaoken2/m ... dient!.txt
i wanted to cancel all gradients without link to an object only! that problem : there is not a tool for to clean the gradient inside inkscape...?
i'm tired to cancel one time and one time but i can not cancell million times so super long time...
i wanted to say you or to team inkscape to create new tool for the clean gradient without assegn objects ok?
this is problem serius!!! because byte is bigger byte for cause by million gradients...
let me know about this problem and new tool clean ok?
problem serius for gradient!!
Re: problem serius for gradient!!
There already is such a feature File > Vacuum Defs
just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt
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Inkscape Manual on Floss
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Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Re: problem serius for gradient!!
ah FINE i'm not know about defs vacuum thank you milion!!
Re: problem serius for EMPTY
hello i wante to say you other problem:
my svg code: there is very "empty" list, there is for cancel all "empty"?
there is other tool for cancel "empty" in code of svg?
see my link: http://digidownload.libero.it/jaoken2/m ... /empty.txt
my svg code: there is very "empty" list, there is for cancel all "empty"?
there is other tool for cancel "empty" in code of svg?
see my link: http://digidownload.libero.it/jaoken2/m ... /empty.txt
Re: problem serius for gradient!!
What editor are you using to edit this file? Aren't you using Inkscape?
You can open any svg file in a Text editor and simply delete the empty rows.
How did you get that many empty rows, did Inkscape do that?
You can open any svg file in a Text editor and simply delete the empty rows.
How did you get that many empty rows, did Inkscape do that?
just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt
Inkscape Manual on Floss
Inkscape FAQ
very comprehensive Inkscape guide
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Inkscape Manual on Floss
Inkscape FAQ
very comprehensive Inkscape guide
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Re: problem serius for gradient!!
hello, i use inkscape for ever, but i have old graphics from ilustrator adobe so i converting from ai to svg in inkscape,
because i did see in "editor XML" of inkscape, there are milion gradients(risolved=defs vacuum from menu:file>defs vacuum) and empty (not risolved)...
i want:
to clean in my svg code from code of adobe.....i think: there is a tool for "kill AI"?
KILL AI= inkscape will kills all the code "made of adobe" and inkscape will generate code made of inkscape" ?
..i want my svg code is creato from inscape 100%
my editor is notepad++ gnu (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/it/site.htm) for to see particoluar in code,
also there is "editor xml" from inkscape, it's cool but it's base...
(not powerfull usable ok? because EDITOR XML haven't "multi-selections" because the editor xml works only selection. this is bad )
because i did see in "editor XML" of inkscape, there are milion gradients(risolved=defs vacuum from menu:file>defs vacuum) and empty (not risolved)...
i want:
to clean in my svg code from code of adobe.....i think: there is a tool for "kill AI"?
KILL AI= inkscape will kills all the code "made of adobe" and inkscape will generate code made of inkscape" ?
..i want my svg code is creato from inscape 100%
my editor is notepad++ gnu (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/it/site.htm) for to see particoluar in code,
also there is "editor xml" from inkscape, it's cool but it's base...
(not powerfull usable ok? because EDITOR XML haven't "multi-selections" because the editor xml works only selection. this is bad )