animated short film

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animated short film

Postby RJey » Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:52 pm

Hello everybody,

this is my first post in this forum.
I made a short animated film, the whole graphics are made in inkscape and I animated them in Adobe After Effects.
Here is the link:

I would be happy to get feedback ;)


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Re: animated short film

Postby brynn » Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:43 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Wow, that is awesome!

I'm not familiar with Adobe products. Do you need to draw a new image for each "frame" like in GIF animation? If there is any one place which I think might be improved, is that the little kid can only walk one way, i.e. side to side. In the one place where he/she walks from the foreground to the background, the walking is a little strange. But even with that, it's an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations :D

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Re: animated short film

Postby Johannski » Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:00 pm

Wow, that looks good! What I really like is, that it feels finished and really that's something when talking about short films!
As brynn mentioned, the walking cycle for walking from one side to the other doesn't look that good for walking from the back to the front.
Great job, looking to see more from you!

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Re: animated short film

Postby RJey » Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:09 pm

Thanks for your replies!
@brynn: I dont had to make every frame in Inkscape like in a gif, I made some basic movements (like the walkcycles) and exportet them as pngs. In after effects I looped the walkcycle and moved the guy around. I also made some stretching etc. in after effects. The sun for examples is made out of different parts in inkscape. The body, different mouthes, eyes and rays are exportet seperatly. In After Effects I put them together later.
You'r right, the walking isnt perfect, but I was to lazy to make the walkcycles twice ;)

Here are some backgrounds from the film:

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Re: animated short film

Postby Flandrigan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:53 am

Dude, that is very cool. I am an animation noob and have downloaded Inkspace to create images to animate in After Effects CS6 (trial version for now, I'll see how I ago and maybe pay the subscription on a monthly basis).

Question, I have an image in Inkspace (standard file tipe .svg) for the time being but I can't import this file type into AE, what file type can I save it as in Inkspace and import into AE, I have looked at 'Supported file types' in AE documentation but can't see one I can save and use from Inkspace to AE!!

Would really appreciate a response, I have spent ages on an image and now I can't animate it!!

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Re: animated short film

Postby 4hn » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:05 pm

Wow, you really showed here what Inkscape is capable of when combined with other programs.
Well done!

I particulary love the storm scene (inside of the house, dancing lightbulb) and how all the things on a shelf cast shadow on the wall. Very dramatic.

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Re: animated short film

Postby Baldskull » Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:20 pm

Question, I have an image in Inkspace (standard file tipe .svg) for the time being but I can't import this file type into AE, what file type can I save it as in Inkspace and import into AE, I have looked at 'Supported file types' in AE documentation but can't see one I can save and use from Inkspace to AE!!

Would really appreciate a response, I have spent ages on an image and now I can't animate it!![/quote]

I haven't used the Adobe, but what I think you would have to do is save the file as a ( .png )

1 - open the file you want to convert to .png
2 - click file
3 - save as
4 - name the file what you want
5 - next box down from that ( Save file type as) click on that
6 - select (.png)
7 - SAVE The to the location you want........DONE!

I'm not sure about this because I've never done it, In fact I just downloaded InkSkape a couple days ago...but so fare it is awesome!!

Hope this helps, let me know if it does.

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Re: animated short film

Postby RJey » Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:33 pm

Sorry for my late reply, thanks for your feedback.
@ Flandrigan: Like Baldskull said, you should export your images as pngs. But i wouldnt use "save as", I would use "export bitmap".
You simply select the objects you want to export and set the height and width, choose a folder and export it.
The advantage of "export bitmap" is, that you dont have to export the whole page (your graphic is porbably not exactly as big as your project, and you will have useless transparent parts).
Also you are able to put many graphics in one project wich is also very useful.

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Re: animated short film

Postby ianroz » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:03 am

This I enjoyed this, really good, I am using inkscape for creating background scenery for my animation.

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Re: animated short film

Postby devilcreator » Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:48 am

Very nice work. This could be in a toy commercial or sth. :)

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