Inkscape: unreliable

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Inkscape: unreliable

Postby Mar » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:43 pm

As much as I love -- and when I say love I really mean it -- the Inkscape project, it's proven time and again to be extremely crash prone.
Maybe this is a platform problem? I'm running it on a windows 7-machine. Maybe the port/windows libraries are simply not as good as they should be, I can't say for sure.. The only thing I know is that on average, I have between 3 and 7 crashes over the course of a normal day at the office. Some times I preemptively restart Inkscape to get a "fresh" environment, but this doesn't always help.

Is there anything I can do to find out what's causing these crashes? I have my assumptions but can't say for sure.. I want to corner the bug as right now it's all too vague to report. Probably a memory leak or several, I'll keep an eye on my task monitor.

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Re: Inkscape: unreliable

Postby microUgly » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:51 am

I won't pretend to know how stable Inkscape is currently--it's been sometime since I've done something extensive in it. But I can suggest deleting your preferences file to see if it makes a difference. Details about how can be found at viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2037#goto-delpref

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Re: Inkscape: unreliable

Postby Kjohrf » Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:20 pm

I would add that 0.47 is much less prone to crash than previous versions. I had a small run-in with crashes early on, but it's been a month or more of heavy use without a crash. And the auto-save feature is helpful.

Now if only the PDF issues would be improved I'd be quite happy. I'm scared every time I take something to a printer. Not sure I've ever had a problem-free PDF for anything moderately complex produced by Inkscape and read OK by a printer.

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Re: Inkscape: unreliable

Postby ~suv » Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:12 am

Mar wrote:The only thing I know is that on average, I have between 3 and 7 crashes over the course of a normal day at the office. Some times I preemptively restart Inkscape to get a "fresh" environment, but this doesn't always help.

Could be bug #221712 “Inkscape's Vanishing Act (the disappearing program) - updated”: one of the libraries (pango) apparently leaks GDI objects and Inkscape crashes if it reaches the limit of 10'000 GDI objects.

known workaround (replace pango libs with newer versions) described here and here ;-)

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Re: Inkscape: unreliable

Postby Mar » Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:40 pm

~suv wrote:
Mar wrote:The only thing I know is that on average, I have between 3 and 7 crashes over the course of a normal day at the office. Some times I preemptively restart Inkscape to get a "fresh" environment, but this doesn't always help.

Could be bug #221712 “Inkscape's Vanishing Act (the disappearing program) - updated”: one of the libraries (pango) apparently leaks GDI objects and Inkscape crashes if it reaches the limit of 10'000 GDI objects.

known workaround (replace pango libs with newer versions) described here and here ;-)

I'm definitely trying this! But.. why isn't the newest pango libraries bundled with the software..? :shock:

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