I'm testing to export a small Inkscape drawing with a size within 100 x 100 pixels to a HTML5 page. But why do I get the value like the ones I get in the exporting code below?
If I paste this code within the SVG tag it's not visible and I have to change it myself to something like X= 1 and Y = 1 to see the drawing. Should it not be 1 or 0 for both values as default since a drawing in SVG starts in the upper left corner for both X and Y values!?
I also wonder why the Y value of the object in Inkscapes rulers isn't in the upper left top of the object and has a downwards value like the X value that begins in the upper left corner with a positive value to the right? Can I change this or is this a default setting?
Preciate some help! Thanks!
Code: Select all
<rect style="stroke:#999;stroke-width:5;fill:#bcd35f" transform="rotate(6.7773)" rx="0" ry="3" height="80" width="80" y="949.46" x="127.94"/>