text frame scaling

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text frame scaling

Postby erik » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:54 pm

OK. When I set up text in CorelDraw I usually prepare a text frame, then insert the text. Then if I need to change the text frame dimensions I change them using the normal top/side/diagonal arrows. The critical factor for me is that the text itself stays the same size. Ie the point size and height/width do not change.

If I do the same in Inkscape then the height and width of the letters changes with the frame and the text does not remain the same. I find this incredibly frustrating to the point that it is a real limitation on using Inkscape where text is involved. Xara behaves like this as well.

Is there a setting in Inkscape that enables me to have the text untouched dutring these frame changes? I guess I am looking for something like the scale change button that allows you to scale the line dimensions or not as the scale changes. It may be staring me in the face.


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Re: text frame scaling

Postby prokoudine » Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:15 pm

Just use flowing text. That is:

1. Select Text tool
2. Drag mouse cursor to create a flowing text frame
3. Type in text
4. Any time later adjust size of the text frame - text will reflow
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Re: text frame scaling

Postby microUgly » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:03 pm

You can resize the text frame when you have the Text tool selected.

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Re: text frame scaling

Postby erik » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:00 am

Thanks for that. I knew there must be an easy way rather than overlook the obvious and be frustrated.

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Re: text frame scaling

Postby heathenx » Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:38 am

actually, this discussion on the mailing list opened my eyes a little today. i never gave text frame scaling two thoughts in the past because i was so used to do whatever i needed to do in scribus. i may try inkscape for my next desktop publishing project. i realize that there is quite a lot in inkscape (text styles for one) that i would not be able to do, compared to a dedicated desktop publisher, but for some easier things i would like to give it a try. ;)

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Re: text frame scaling

Postby microUgly » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:54 pm

I tried to do my "Quick Guide to Inkscape" in Inkscape - it seemed appropriate. But coming from a HTML background I missed the control and flexibility you have with CSS and the way the position of blocks are relative. I also tried Scribus, but again, I found it a chore because I was looking for ways to simulate what I can do in HTML.

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