python language

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python language

Postby vidya31 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:27 pm

Is python language needed for the Selenium automation ?

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Re: python language

Postby Moini » Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:42 am

Which selenium automation? Inkscape isn't a web app.

(I think this is spam).
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Lazur URH
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Re: python language

Postby Lazur URH » Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:01 am

vidya31 wrote:Is python language needed for the Selenium automation ?

Moini wrote:Which selenium automation? Inkscape isn't a web app.

(I think this is spam).

Probably you are right.

Just got a reply post
benjeminfraklin wrote:Hello There,

Selenium is pretty easy to use. Python is pretty easy to learn the basics. Waiting simple tests does not require mastery of Python, just basic programming skills if you are industrious. You might you get an entry-level analyst job if you can demonstrate that knowledge, and an understanding of software and systems in general. What those systems depend on the industry you plan to attack with your tests.

from a new member, which seems to be an exact quote from this page:

What level of Python is needed for Selenium?
Ad by ProdPerfect

Robert Arles wrote:, Test Developer, former systems admin, CCNA and MCSE.
Answered Nov 29, 2015 · Author has 227 answers and 196.8k answer views

Selenium is pretty easy to use. Python is pretty easy to learn the basics. Waiting simple tests does not require mastery of Python, just basic programming skills, if you are industrious.

You might you get an entry level analyst job if you can demonstrate that knowledge, and an understanding of software and systems in general. What those systems are depends on the industry you plann to attack with your tests.

Guess that's a good bye to our newest copycat although no links are present at the moment.


If you think it is a spam, *always* quote the original message.
In case it'd get deleted.

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Re: python language

Postby druban » Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:58 pm

Do you think Spammers actually list that as their profession like in credit applications or resumes... Do you think they get a better credit rating because of it as in neurosurgeons used to get the best credit but now it's professional spammer for the win?
Your mind is what you think it is.

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Re: python language

Postby Mosli_Tomas » Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:26 am

Python is analytics or web language.I think you don't need it!

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Lazur URH
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Re: python language

Postby Lazur URH » Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:12 am

Mosli_Tomas wrote:Python is analytics or web language.I think you don't need it!

This. We'll keep an eye on you.
You just seems to be an expert on spamming.

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