selecting multiple objects on .47 pre4 on Mac Snow Lepoard

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selecting multiple objects on .47 pre4 on Mac Snow Lepoard

Postby devbury » Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:35 pm

I'm a new inkscape user (first day) and I'm kind of embarrassed to ask this but how do I select multiple objects? The documentation says that I need to have the selector tool on and that I need to hold down shift while clicking on objects. When I do this though only the last item I select is selected. Is there some kind of mode that I have to put inkscape in? Is there some X11 setting I need to make because I am running on Mac. I'm sure this is some silly user error.


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Joined: Sun May 10, 2009 2:07 am

Re: selecting multiple objects on .47 pre4 on Mac Snow Lepoard

Postby ~suv » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:22 am

devbury wrote:The documentation says that I need to have the selector tool on and that I need to hold down shift while clicking on objects.
That's how it works for me with Inkscape 0.47pre4 on OS X 10.5.8.
devbury wrote:When I do this though only the last item I select is selected. Is there some kind of mode that I have to put inkscape in?
What kind of objects are you trying to select? Did you create the drawing yourself? Try this: Pick the rectangle tool, create 3 squares, then switch to the select tool and try to shift-click them one after another. Doesn't work?
devbury wrote:Is there some X11 setting I need to make because I am running on Mac.
See my recent post in the topic "Mac Snow Leopard?" about some workarounds for copy&paste issues (needs certain settings in the X11 preferences for the clipboard) and consult the FAQ if you have other issues e.g. with the keyboard mapping or some of the system fonts on OS X.

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