Show Object Label in Canvas - Prezi replaced

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Show Object Label in Canvas - Prezi replaced

Postby tvoor » Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:11 am

We use the fantastic extension from Sozi, which turns Inkscape into viable Prezi open source alternative for better Powerpoints in SVG!

To become productive making Prezi presentations, we need an easy way to show labels of all frames, Sozi uses rectangles, on the canvas . Opening object properties of each object is way too slow.

Is there a way to plot the Object Label on the canvas? For example at the bottom right corner of each selected object ?

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Re: Show Object Label in Canvas - Prezi replaced

Postby Inkspots » Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:48 pm

Could you please be a bit more specific about what you want to know? I'm not clear on what your asking.

[ If you are hoping to set frame properties for sozi in the inkscape canvas, you are out of luck.
Because Sozi is a separate program, that you use through Inkscape.. you must open the Sozi interface to define frames and set thier properties,
but I dont know if this is even related to what you want to know]

P.S. You have reminded me how much I adore Sozi, and I should try and use it for a project soon.

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Re: Show Object Label in Canvas - Prezi replaced

Postby tvoor » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:11 pm

In Inkscape every object has a id and can have a Label. This Label help to identify the object. It would be nice if there was a checkbox in the object-properties window to mark if you want to see this Label on the canvas. So, that when I work with a drawing, I always can identify this Label. Of course, we should not see this Label when we just look at the drawing. It is just to identify the object when you work in the canvas....

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