Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

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Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby themusicalduck » Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:23 am

I'm trying to setup a computer for someone so that they can easily open their old .cdr files in inkscape in Ubuntu 8.10. I was able to associate all files with inkscape, but it doesn't seem to want to render them properly. It'll open the file ok, but text doesn't show anywhere. All the text boxes are visible and in the right locations, but no text is shown inside.

At first I though it might be because of missing windows fonts, so installed msttcorefonts, but that didn't help. I did a bit of research into it and found you needed a packaged uniconverter. So I tried to convert the .rpm file of uniconverter I found into a .deb, but Alien threw out some errors. Then after a bit more research I found it was already in the repos as python-uniconverter. I tried to install it, but turned out it was already installed anyway.

It seems like it might just be down to missing fonts, but I can't think of any way to fix this.


Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby themusicalduck » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:22 am


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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby CarlCravens » Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:45 am

Can you provide a sample file?

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby erroneus » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:34 am

I have a similar problem I am guessing and I am already using an RPM based Linux distro. (Fedora 11) Within the attached ZIP file is a CDR file that will not open... haven't found one that will open yet.
Example CDR file that will not load
(19.04 KiB) Downloaded 232 times


Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby fedor » Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:47 am

Its same on ubuntu jaunty - i think that this is problem of uniconverter itself :? - i tested inkscape and sK1 project too but with the exactly equal result - texts are not shown on CDR files..

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby CarlCravens » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:14 am

erroneus wrote:I have a similar problem I am guessing and I am already using an RPM based Linux distro. (Fedora 11) Within the attached ZIP file is a CDR file that will not open... haven't found one that will open yet.

This one converts with uniconvertor v1.1.2 on the command-line, and it opens in Inkscape 0.46 for me. Debian Linux (lenny, 'stable' at this writing).

It doesn't appear that there is any text in the original, so this doesn't seem to be the problem the others are reporting here.

If you're having trouble opening a CDR from inside Inkscape, try running uniconvertor from the command-line.

Code: Select all

uniconvertor Southpark005.cdr Southpark005.svg

If that doesn't work, getting that to work should make the import extension work in Inkscape.


Code: Select all

which uniconvertor

and make sure it's installed. (And make sure you're spelling "uniconvertor" right.) If it's installed but doesn't work from the command-line, post any error output and we'll take it from there.

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby CarlCravens » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:16 am

Can you guys with the "missing text" problem post a sample CDR file?

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby fedor » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:05 pm

CarlCravens wrote:Can you guys with the "missing text" problem post a sample CDR file?

Here they are (external link becouse of limit 256KiB of forum) :

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby fedor » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:31 pm

Code: Select all

uniconvertor something.cdr something.svg

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/uniconvertor/app/utils/ DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
from popen2 import popen2

..and yes, svg file was created.. but with the result as before at inkscape - no texts

Code: Select all

which uniconvertor

// using UniConvertor 1.1.3 //

what is that poppen2 ? where i can meet him ? :roll:

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby CarlCravens » Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:48 am

Sadly, I found the answer... ... op=roadmap

UniConvertor Roadmap

version 1.1.5
* XAR importer (Xara LX graphics format)
* CDR exporter (Corel Draw v7 and v11)
* DXF exporter (AutoCAD document exchange format)
* text support for CDR importer (Corel Draw v7-12,X3,X4)

I'm on 1.1.2, you're on 1.1.3. 1.1.4 is the current release, and I just verified that the 1.1.5 development tree doesn't yet contain that feature. (Unless the installation script didn't get things set up right for some reason.)


Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby themusicalduck » Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:40 am

So is it as simple as just not being supported yet? I wondered if it was a font problem, but I managed to install all of the fonts used in the files into Ubuntu and it made no difference. Perhaps if I could just convert all of the files to .svg for now as a workaround, then presumably my friend can save in a different format from now.

Is there a program like uniconverter for windows that I could use to batch convert a large amount of files and which will see the text correctly?

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby CarlCravens » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:50 pm

themusicalduck wrote:So is it as simple as just not being supported yet?

That appears to be the case. You could ask on the sk1 forum about the status of v1.1.5 and this feature...

Is there a program like uniconverter for windows that I could use to batch convert a large amount of files and which will see the text correctly?

As far as I know, no. Back before I switched to Linux, I was moving away from pay-for apps on Windows and found myself needing to pull something out of an old CDR file (a friend wanted a copy of a logo from a joint project from years ago), and I hadn't installed CorelDRAW when I upgraded from Win95 to WinXP. And I didn't *want* to install it, so I went searching high and low. UniConvertor didn't exist at the time, and I couldn't find anything else that would even start to convert CDR to something else without having CorelDRAW or another commercial app installed. Now, that was a few years ago, so something might have come out since then... but UniConvertor is the only one I've ever heard of that converts CDR at all.

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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby merciana » Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:00 pm

If Linux had the ability to run all PC programs would that have a major impact on Microsoft Windows sales? I have been running Linux for two months and I like it much better then my Windows XP. My computer doesn't freeze or crash anymore. I don't have to worry to much about viruses or spyware on my computer. I would think that Microsoft Would be hurting in sales if linux was able to run all PC applications that windows run.
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Re: Importing coreldraw files into inkscape - linux

Postby hammad.ali.butt » Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:42 pm

i have intall inkscape on linux (Ubuntu 12.04) and also on windows 8 as well. inkscape on windows open cdr file but on ubuntu it shows error of uniconerter.
then i open file in windows inkscape save in flash drive as svg file and try to open in ubuntu inkscape but no surprise and same error.

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