Cartoons for a website

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Cartoons for a website

Postby the_gerbil » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:42 pm

Hello all!

I've been using Inkscape for a year now, but just for quite basic things like floor plans, buttons or logos.

But one week ago, I was asked if I could draw some cartoons characters to explain how a web page works. Although I am not very skillful drawing living things, I tried my best. You can see all the drawings here:

This is just one of them:

Now I am really into it and I can't wait to have more free time to try to draw more things.

Inkscape! What would I do without you?


The Gerbil

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Re: Cartoons for a website

Postby brynn » Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:48 am

Awesome The Gerbil! And welcome to the forums, if you haven't already been welcomed :D
Inkscape can be SO addictive.

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