I happened across the instructions for making a sunburst type of object, in Inkscape's Tips and Tricks tutorial, from the Help menu. So I decided to try it. These are the instructions, which I'm following precisely:
Choose the P1 symmetry (simple translation) and then compensate for that translation by going to the Shift tab and setting Per row/Shift Y and Per column/Shift X both to -100%. Now all clones will be stacked exactly on top of the original. All that remains to do is to go to the Rotation tab and set some rotation angle per column, then create the pattern with one row and multiple columns. For example, here's a pattern made out of a horizontal line, with 30 columns, each column rotated 6 degrees:
It should look like this:
But here's what I'm getting. Actually I'm trying for something about the same size as the above example, but I scaled my result quite a bit (~85%) to make it more suitable for inserting into message. But the rays are actually about the same size as the above.
The weird thing, is that if I use the exact same settings, but on a brand new canvas (doc), it works perfectly. What I can't figure out, is what's going on with the canvas on which I'm trying to use this object, that's causing it to be deformed as you can see.
Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I realize you probably can't be sure without an svg file to examine. And I also realize I could simply make it on a new canvas/doc, copy and paste into current doc, which is probably how I will end up doing it. So this is certainly not a great, big problem
But it's really bugging me what might be wrong with the canvas/doc I'm working on Whatever it is doesn't seem to be affecting anything else in this image, it just bugs me to know it's there Plus, if I ask about it, I might learn something
Anyone enjoy solving mysteries?