Image Aligner extension

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Image Aligner extension

Postby matyilona » Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:47 pm

I use inkscape to make .dxf plans for EBL. It usually involves aligning images to templates, so I wrote a plugin that can align multiple images. It is on bitbucket. First launch it from Extensions>Arrange>ImageAligner choose the number of images to align and Draw align marks and click ok. This will draw n + 1 sets of markers on two diferent layers. Move the ones on layer A to the points to wich you want to align the images, move the other sets to the corresponding points on the images. Set the ID of the images to the ID you given in the extension window plus a number, for example "Myid1" "Myid2" and so on. Upmost set of markers is number one. When it is all done choose Align! and click ok. I hope it'll be helpful to someone.

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Re: Image Aligner extension

Postby brynn » Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:42 am


Evidence Based Library?
Electron Beam Lithography?

Could you give us a few more details about how this extension can be used? I'm in the process of compiling a comprehensive list of all Inskcape extensions, including version info, download links and author contact. Since the generous people who make Inkscape extensions often have them posted in one place on the internet, and may only announce it once, in 1 or 2 places, there are MANY extensions that a lot of people have never heard about, because they didn't happen to be in the right place at the right time, when it was announced. So eventually this info will be found on the Inkscape website, but will be a long term project. (I wouldn't be surprised if it takes 6 months, to maybe even a year....depending on how much spare time I can find.)

Meanwhile, would you please try to have your extension listed here: ... Repository (Actually you'll have to do it yourself. Post a message to the development mailing list and ask for edit credentials for the wiki.) Or register an account on the website and try to get posted here: (The wiki listing will probably be easier to do.)

Thanks again for making this extension :D

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