Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

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Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby neilwightman » Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:35 pm

HI All.

I was wondering if there is anything like Illustrators "Align Stroke to Inside". Like in this tutorial. ... tor-ninjas

This image ... nja/12.png show it in illustrator.

I'm trying to do it in Inkscape but its involving lots of copy and scale of the object, before and after the objects are united. Its not nice. Adding the inner lines to the face wasnt too hard, but adding them to the bodies in all the combinations is taking forever.

My results are ... -125756321 and so far which I like.

The inset lines make a big difference but its taking me some time to add them to their bodies.

Does anyone know if there is the "Align Stroke to Inside" type feature or how I can have the same results without all this copying.


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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby hellocatfood » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:34 pm

I don't think there is and I'm not sure it will come to Inkscape unless the SVG specification changes
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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby neilwightman » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:18 am

It should not need anything new in SVG as you could simply calculate a new path n pixels inside of the existing edge.

I think I may actually have a look at writing it, when I get some time.

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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby neilwightman » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:19 am

In fact maybe the trace bitmap does something like this.

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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby microUgly » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:47 am

neilwightman wrote:I'm trying to do it in Inkscape but its involving lots of copy and scale of the object, before and after the objects are united. Its not nice. Adding the inner lines to the face wasnt too hard, but adding them to the bodies in all the combinations is taking forever.

Use "offset" instead of scale. You can create a dynamic offset that should make it much easier.

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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby CarlCravens » Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:13 am

While I think this would be a great feature (aligning the stroke to inside, center or outside), but I think microUgly's got it right... until such a feature is implemented, linked offset are your friend. (Well, up until you want to use linked offset of an open path... the offset always wants to close the path and I can't find a way to change it.)


Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby Joheg » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:38 am

neilwightman wrote:It should not need anything new in SVG as you could simply calculate a new path n pixels inside of the existing edge.

I think I may actually have a look at writing it, when I get some time.

Please do! I too miss this feature. Currently I use either of these techniques:
1. I set the stroke width twice as large as i want it, copy the shape, remove stroke, and use it as a clipping mask.
2. I copy the shape, give it the stroke i want, then scale it down to fit the original.
None of these techiques are very practical, and I believe that such an easy task as changing the position og the stroke should have a simple solution. But then I'm not into programming. There is an option to sort of move the stroke pattern along the edge. Perhaps it would be possible to do a similar thing like stroke distance?
I'm actually surprised that this feature isn't included in inkscape already. Don't get me wrong - Inkscape is my favourite design program, and I'm really greatful to the geniuses behind it.


Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby Winslow » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:23 am

I suspect that the absence of Stroke Align on type may be a bug. Here's a method to force the issue, but I can't say for sure that it won't cause other problems...

1. Create your type, then create a simple shape (say, a rectangle) with the color and stroke attributes that you want, e.g., 3 pts. inside stroke.
2. In the layers panel, the rectangle will have a gray dot next to it, at right, indicating that it has effects applied to it. Alt-drag that gray dot onto the corresponding (empty) dot next to your text object. This should copy the stroke-inside effect.

With the text block selected, if you look in the Appearance palette, you should see 3 pts inside as properties of the stroke. Interestingly, the Appearance palette in Illustrator CS4 won't let you change that setting by going into the stroke properties. Seems like a bug to me.


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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby vwanweb » Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:00 am

two easy ways to do this in inkscape.
Option A (OFFSET)
1. Create your object then duplicate (Ctrl+D) it.
2. Change the color so you can see the edit on screen. Now use the DYNAMIC OFFSET feature >Path >Dynamic Offset (Ctrl+J), drag the OFFSET NODE down or left/right depending on where it is placed. and this will provide the OFFSET you are looking for...DONE

1. Create your object, ZOOM to your selection (3 key)
2. Switch to the Bucket Tool (Fill bounded areas) (Shift+F7) Use the Tool Controls Bar (bar above the canvas) to set the FILL parameters:
FILL BY: Visible Colors, Red, Hue, etc (set accordingly)
This will SHRINK your FILL...DONE


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Re: Align Stroke to Inside type feature?

Postby tatt61880 » Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:26 am

I want this feature. Especially, inside stroke is what I want.

I suppose this feature will be like below.

As some users/developer wrote, there are pseudo ways to do (thanks for telling me the ways! This is not a kind of cynicism. ;) ). But implementation of this feature is better than current ways, in my humble opinion.

Best regards,

Hmm, this feature seems to require a change of SVG specification. So, it might be difficult to be added into current Inkscape. Sorry.

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