Font support is holding me back from using Inkscape

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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:15 am

Font support is holding me back from using Inkscape

Postby bookmarc » Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:23 am

I really want to ween myself off of sluggish Adobe Illustrator and use zippy Inkscape. But with the projects that I am involved with, I require consistent and best performance on font control with the designers I work with. I would love to see the following items in a near future Inkscape, and if it happens, I can confidently endorse all the people I work with to start using it!

There are 2 specific font items that are holding me back:

1. Support for all fonts. Currently, I'm running Inkscape on a Mac through X11, and all my fonts don't show up.

2. Support for different measurements. For example, I can only control line-height percentages, instead of specific pixels or ems.

I don't have much programming experience, but I'd be happy to do product testing! Let me know how I can help!

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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:30 am

Re: Font support is holding me back from using Inkscape

Postby squiggle » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:12 pm

For item 1, have you raised a bug? Also, when you say "all" your fonts don't show up, do you mean that none of them do, or just some? If the latter, put in your bug report the names/sources of fonts that are failing - they could be a different type or badly constructed (as you probably know some freeware fonts aren't put together very well, and some graphics packages behave poorly with them. I know this is true of Scribus, it may be true of Inkscape too).

For item 2, I believe feature requests can also be raised as bugs here:

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