Fonts not being recognized

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Fonts not being recognized

Postby grafixguy » Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:20 am

All of the graphics apps on my Mint 10 installation (Libre Office, Gimp, etc.) are using the TTF fonts I installed. Inkscape, however, does not see these fonts.

What do I need to do so that Inkscape can recognize and use the installed fonts?

Thanks for the help... :)

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Re: Fonts not being recognized

Postby brynn » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:32 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

I can't answer your question, but it seems one that should have an answer. So I'm posting a reply to bump it back to the top :D

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Re: Fonts not being recognized

Postby Inkspots » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:31 am

I think you should post this in "help with using inkscape" or "software issues" and you may get more helpful responses.

I'm a Mint 11 user, but I've never had your problem with ttf fonts not being available in Inkscape, and can't figure out how to reproduce the problem to try and find a fix. If you haven't already tried searching the Linux Mint forum, you might look for a solution there. Maybe someone there has had this trouble and found a solution. I'll keep searching the wikis and help forums to see if I can find anything that might be helpful on this over the next couple of days. If you do post this question in the software issues or help categories, it would be helpful if you provide more information about your inkscape version, how it was installed, and how you installed the fonts that are not appearing. This sounds like it could potentially be an inkscape bug. I know this problem is frustrating and nothing I've posted here is going to solve it, I am sorry about that.
Good luck.

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