How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

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How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

Postby imsoconfused84 » Wed May 28, 2008 1:17 pm

Hello everyone,

I have a flash vector file that i am trying to import into inkscape with noooooo success. I have tried using the file formats in flash 8 of .ai .eps 3.0 (these seem to be the only vector formats) can someone please tell me how i can export my flash vector image from flash into inkscape?

thanks for your time i appreciate it

Sincerely :|

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Re: How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

Postby imsoconfused84 » Wed May 28, 2008 1:20 pm

almost forgot.. i have also simply tried copy and pasting the shapes from flash into inkscape and that does not work either... when i try importing .ai .eps inkscape tells me that a failure occured and that it cant load my file


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Re: How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

Postby imsoconfused84 » Wed May 28, 2008 1:55 pm

Thanks for your prompt reply,

The issue is specifically dealing with ghostscript as you have mentioned. I am working on Mac OsX and it seems GhostScript does not support mac osx is this accurate? is there any other alternative?

thanks for your time, i greatly appreciate it


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Re: How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

Postby microUgly » Wed May 28, 2008 2:11 pm

Actually, there is. Inkscape is quite good at opening PDFs so all you need to do is get your images into PDF format.

I found that Acrobat Reader can convert an AI file to PDF. It can probably do the same with EPS as well. Alternatively, check out this online PDF convertor. It can convert loads of different formats into PDF.

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Re: How do you import a flash vector image into inkscape?

Postby imsoconfused84 » Wed May 28, 2008 2:15 pm

thanks so much for your help i will try it and you have a cool website :O)


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