How would you create this in Inkscape? Glow?

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How would you create this in Inkscape? Glow?

Postby taylor8294 » Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:02 am

How would you create this in Inkscape?

Maybe someone could make a tutorial PLEASE and post link to it below
or some simple tips below - mainly how would you create glow like they did using Inkscape instead of Photoshop?

Thank you SO MUCH in advance!
Taylor8294 :D

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Re: How would you create this in Inkscape? Glow?

Postby Jaws » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:15 am

The open source application that's equivalent to Photoshop is the Gimp. You'd be hard pressed to do that image in Inkscape anywhere near the time it would take a good Gimp guy to do it in the Gimp. Not saying you couldn't do it in Inkscape but I'd think it would be a long process.

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Re: How would you create this in Inkscape? Glow?

Postby prkos » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:36 am

I'd like to challenge the last post but don't have the time to test it. I have a feeling it would take me less time in Inkscape than in GIMP because I've become more familiar of Inkscape lately, I guess it may come down to familiarity.

Tip: distort the text using Path effects and masks to fade, filters from 0.47 version for the cloud, Tiled clones for sparks and a whole lot of blurring ;)
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Re: How would you create this in Inkscape? Glow?

Postby taylor8294 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:04 am

Thanks very much Jaws for the reply. I am aware of GIMP but do not like in very much to be honest. Thanks very much though. cheers.

Hi Prkos thank you for the reply (Y) ! Thats what i like to see, a bit of optimism.
The tips at the bottom were very helpful and I see how this might just be possible in Inkscape yes.
Thank again to the both of you + anyone else please do not hesitate to offer your tips on how to create glow.

Thanks, Taylor8294 :D

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