Making Screenshot's

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Making Screenshot's

Postby tomh » Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:01 am

After using some rather convoluted method to make screenshots (Print screen -> paste into gimp -> save as ect. ect.) I came up with a rather simpler method.

All you have to do is a print screen (Using the "Prt Scrn/Sys Rq" button on most computers), then ctrl-V to paste into your Inkscape document and delete the pasted screenshot strait away!

Then go and find the folder where you have saved the document and your screenshot will be in that folder, named something like "pastedpic_MMDDYYYY_HHMMSS.png" where MMDDYYY are the date (in month-day-year format), and HHMMSS is the time of pasting (in hour-minute-second format).

Useful until you get a thousand pictures with random names all over your computer, but when you know about it it can be quite handy :twisted:

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Re: Making Screenshot's

Postby brynn » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:03 pm

Yyeah, I don't get it :?
Then go and find the folder where you have saved the document and your screenshot will be in that folder, named something like "pastedpic_MMDDYYYY_HHMMSS.png" where MMDDYYY are the date (in month-day-year format), and HHMMSS is the time of pasting (in hour-minute-second format).

But you haven't saved a document, you said to "...delete the pasted screenshot strait away!" If you meant to say "save it" instead of "delete it", then your process is identical to the usual method of making a screenshot (not simpler).

I'm thinking maybe you mistyped something, or omitted something?
Or else, what am I missing?

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Re: Making Screenshot's

Postby aho » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:59 pm

Some image viewers (like Irfanview [press C] on Windows) come with a capture mode where you only need to press some shortcut for saving a screenshot. There are also options for naming, format, area, etc.

A few years ago I wrote some script which took a screenshot, uploaded it via FTP, and put the URL into the clipboard. I lost it, but that didn't really bother me much since it wasn't all that nice to use. There was no cropping/preview option and the like.

Currently if I want to take a screenshot I:
-either press Print or Alt+Print
-hold Caps lock... O Tab I R Tab (opens Irfanview via Enso)

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Re: Making Screenshot's

Postby microUgly » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:23 am

brynn wrote:I'm thinking maybe you mistyped something, or omitted something?
Or else, what am I missing?

When you paste an image into Inkscape it doesn't "embed" the image into the document, instead it writes the image to the filesystem then adds a link to it in the SVG. Deleting the image from your Inkscape document deletes the path from the XML, but it doesn't delete the image from the filesystem.

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Re: Making Screenshot's

Postby brynn » Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:23 am

When you paste an image into Inkscape it doesn't "embed" the image into the document, instead it writes the image to the filesystem then adds a link to it in the SVG. Deleting the image from your Inkscape document deletes the path from the XML, but it doesn't delete the image from the filesystem.

Aahhh, my bad!
Thanks micro.

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Re: Making Screenshot's

Postby ErikTiePie » Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:21 pm

And thanks TomH, I now know where those files I have in several places on my computer come from....

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