[(cannot be) solved] Link pressure to opacity

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[(cannot be) solved] Link pressure to opacity

Postby Teapot » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:42 am


I am new to Inkscape but I really like the look of it. However, I use a wacom stylus, and eventhough I could link pressure to the width of the calligraphic tool, I did not find out how to link pressure with its opacity nor to any other stroke property. :cry:
Can you help me please?


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Re: Link pressure to opacity

Postby microUgly » Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:01 pm

It's not the nature of vector to allow what you are asking. A single "object", such as that drawn with the calligraphy tool, cannot have varying opacity. Likewise, it cannot have a varying stroke. This is a limitation that is true to all vector software (i.e. Illustrator, Corel Draw).

Whilst you can't control opacity with a tablet, you can manually control the opacity of an object using gradients or masks.

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