I don't think it has too many colors or fonts. The one where green replaces red is ok I guess, but I still prefer the small red font with green Save/Sale.
Did that spider lose a leg there above the B in VitalBodies?
Spider Web1 - Use the Star shape and make a however-many-sided-web-you-want polygon.
2 - Then deform it slightly using
Shift + drag tangential. It only takes a tiny drag to the right. This makes the polygons sides go concave, like a spider web. (Too far and you get loops.)
3 - Object to path.
4 - Adjust stroke width as needed.
5 - Duplicate.
6 - Scale slightly smaller. I would not use Inset, as you'll lose the sharp angles at the "spokes" (the supporting strands of silk that the spider attaches to things).
7 - Repeat duplicating and scaling until you have as many as you want.
8 - Draw the "spokes". I would use the Pen tool, but whatever works for you.
This will make a very graphic looking web -- too perfect to be real. But you could tweak it here and there to add a random appearance (like select random groups of nodes and drag slightly or maybe use Tweak tool; break a few "strands" here and there using Node tool; and stuff like that). Or to make it more stylized, you'd want to tweak it in different ways, which would have to be entirely up to you.
This would take some research, but it might be possible to do it using a radially tiled clone???? Or maybe you could use a Spiral with loads of Turns, Add nodes, drag certain nodes along radial lines or spokes.....this one might end up being too resource gobbling....????
I don't know if you want it to kind of span a corner of the canvas or something, I guess you'd have to do a Clip.
However, if you're looking for more of a cobweb type of web....I'd have to give that some thought....maybe use the Spiral and....geez, I can't remember how I did it, but somehow I deformed a spiral severely while trying to make something else, that ended up looking more like a cobweb than whatever I was attempting

Last thought -- I've seen spider web wingdings or dingbat fonts.
[Edit] Geez, 3 new posts while I was typing

(I do type slow!)
Realism....well that's the thing I don't get....I haven't been quite sure about the spiders and VitalBodies "tm" and drop shadows. It's clear that the whole thing is the image, but in my comments, I've just been focusing on the business card/tag/coupon part. It seems like the spiders/spider webs could imply that the card/tag/coupon is old, unused, or even trash. If that's the goal, maybe you could add some tattered corners and yellowing? But I'm not sure that's the goal....