I am quiet new to this forum but i am using Inkscape for half a year now and i must confess that i really love this tool! I am an webdesigner and the ability to built up design prototypes, using inkscape and svg is just accelerating my work quiet much! Now up to the point i like to listen what you think about:
Embedding a javascript file is what speeds up my work because i can draw and code side by side and with a single refresh on my browser i can see the result very quickly. So in this workflow i just realized that this is a bit similar to FLASH, but flash is too difficult to handle, with all the compile errors and its totaly confusing abridgment of the document structure. The combination of the xml-editor, the graphical editor and the SVG format itself gives me very high flexibility to develop functional prototypes.
So, i thought, how great would it be if there is a "start javascript buttom" in the editor that i don't have to switch between browser, inkscape and my favorite javascript editor? Launching the script directly in the editor an maybe some little abilities to debug the script would be.... ...can't find words for this nice thing .
This sounds a bit "dreamweaver", a bit like this huge and complicate programms of the adobe family. That's just what i don't mean! What want to say is that inkscape's power is the transparens to the svg format (everything svg can, inkscape can and a bit more) and the ability to script svg is part of svg, so why should inkscape not have little more scripting support?