Topologists using inkscape

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Topologists using inkscape

Postby » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:07 am

Inkscape is by now the preferred method amongst topologists and geometers for producing professional quality illustrations in math papers, but most of us go about it in a pretty ad hoc way. I'd like to find/create a place where topologists share inkscape solutions particular to their field. Are there any topologists out there? Is this forum an appropriate place? Are there profession-specific inkscape wikis out there? Lots of the tutorials I've seen are pretty cool but don't really address the issues I'm working with. What's the best way to draw a knot?

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Re: Topologists using inkscape

Postby brynn » Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:40 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

I had to look up "topology" and "geometer" to be sure what you're talking about. We do have a lot of members who use Inkscape for math applications. We have subforum called "Inkscape and Other" which would probably accomodate you. However, replies from this community might be generally weak on the math side of things. Although I think we have some math enthusiasts too. I would probably suggest setting up your own forum and/or website. That way your members would understand the needs of that community better. Tutorials specific to your use could be hosted, and discussions as well. Just as an example, someone has created a forum for people using Inkscape with cutter machines and technology ( This may be taking the idea a little too far, but you could even use Inkscape to set up the site....although setting up a website would probably be considered an advanced use of Inkscape. But it can certainly be done.

And speaking of the cutter machine/technology, there certainly are profession specific tutorials out there. I can't think of any particular examples at the moment (besides the cutters) but I know they're out there. You'd just have to search for a specific field/profession. I don't think I've seen any for your desired use, but they certainly could be written, by anyone knowledgeable on the subject...and/or searched out, if any already exist.

The best way to draw a knot depends on what kind of knot you're drawing. There's a path effect (LPE) called Knots. It automatically breaks paths where they cross over each other. I've found it frustrating to use. That may be because it's a fairly new tool, and may be buggy. Or maybe I just need more practice, lol. Instructions can be found in the manual. Somewhere around here, some of us have had a discussion about drawing celtic knots. It was an off topic discussion though, and I don't remember in which topic it occurred.

If you could show us an example of what you want, or describe it, that would help us know what to suggest. Thinking in terms of geomtetry, celtic knots come to mind. I think I have a link to nice (but brief) tutorial for drawing a knotted rope. But anyway we would need a little more info before we can suggest how to draw it.

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