DNA Dog Food Image?

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DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby matthewschenker » Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:49 am

I'm in the final stages of developing my Web site, which focuses on writing about dogs. I cover science, biography, history, sledding, guide dogs, and more. Anyway, more on that later!

One of my articles is about "nutrigenomics" -- a fairly new science involving the development of foods that alter canine genes (you can read the article soon). I need a lead-in graphic, something semi-humorous, like this...
-- A DNA strand on a bag of dog food
-- A bowl of dog food with a bunch of "DNA" kibble

There are a lot of really creative people here in this forum, so I thought I'd ask your advice.

What do you think about the general ideas? I have some neat images of DNA, but does anyone have tips on creating the other parts?


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Re: DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby prkos » Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:29 am

Your post reminded me of my about screen contest entry http://prkos.deviantart.com/art/DNA-ref ... -123707786 :)

I love your ideas, you can find photos of various food bags online and use them as a model to draw a generic one in Inkscape, the same with dog bowl. I guess the biggest challenge is DNA - how to make it recognizable.
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Re: DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby matthewschenker » Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:43 pm

Hey Everyone,
Thanks prkos for the comments and the link. Yes, getting the double helix was not easy!

OK, I have worked on this a bit, and in the process of creating a graphic for an article on my Web site I also learned a few more things about Inkscape. Wow, I am very impressed with what this application can do!

I've attached a mock-up of a dog-food can with the requisite elements. The story is real and true (there really is a scientific effort to develop foods that can alter canine genetics), but the researchers do have a sense of humor about it. I want to capture it (and catch people's attention).

I still need to work on this, so I continue to welcome your input.

Here it is:


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Re: DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby prkos » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:01 pm

See this tutorial, you'll get more ideas ;) http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL ... upCan.html
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Re: DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby matthewschenker » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:35 am

I'm laughing! I was looking for a tutorial like that and couldn't find it. Instead, I spent hours trying to take a photograph that could be converted into an Inkscape drawing.

The most challenging thing for me was to get the text and "label" elements to appear as if they are wrapping around the can. This tutorial seems to solve that problem.

Thanks for the link, and I will definitely use it for this project.

This is good for me, because I am learning a lot as I go along and seek specific solutions.

Thanks again,

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Re: DNA Dog Food Image?

Postby matthewschenker » Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:59 am

OK, learned a bit more today, thanks to that tutorial. I followed it mostly, but figured out a couple of different elements (like adding a rim on the bottom and top of the can and wrapping the helix as well as the text).

Here's the new graphic. Tell me what you think:

Thanks for your assistance. I really appreciate it, and it has helped me learn a lot about Inkscape.


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