a problem with export to bitmap and slow bezier tool

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a problem with export to bitmap and slow bezier tool

Postby vanlong441 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:00 am

Ubuntu 11.10
Gnome Shell 3.4 (GTK3+)

Export to bitmap

Exporting with the current stable Inkscape 0.48.2


Exporting with the current Inkscape trunk 1:0.48+devel+11283+32~oneiric1


Slow bezier tool

I've read these two bug reports, but all of which were about GTK2 and changing GTK2 settings to fix it. In my case it is GTK3+ (see the information at the beginning of this post).


For the two problems above, I have to use Inkscape in Windows 7 at the moment.

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Re: a problem with export to bitmap and slow bezier tool

Postby brynn » Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:10 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

We've had a rash of reports about the Export Bitmap problem recently. It's apparently a known issue, and being worked on actively. And as you've found in the dev version, apparently has been fixed already.

And you've seen the status of the other 2 bugs. I'm just not sure if you have a question. Are you saying that you think the reports should include GTK3, and/or your system info? You're welcome to register at Launchpad, and add a comment to the existing bugs :D

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Re: a problem with export to bitmap and slow bezier tool

Postby vanlong441 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:02 pm

Thank you for the welcome. I'm making a bug report in launchpad.

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