Hi there,
I have been getting more and more problem with trying to export to pdf. When I save a copy as pdf everything is ok. I can even view the pdf in epdfview or the acroread from linux. But when I send my file to a profesional printer it's not the same anymore.
The first error that I found seemed to come from object that have some opacity lower than 100%, for some reason these object don't come trought ~ they are just not displayed. To resolve that I put all opacity to 100%. But there is more, it seems like if there are multiple object when I create a pdf the layering is not respected all the time.
I am not sure what is going on here, but I was wondering if it's a know issue that pdf that is created by inkscape might not be read correctly from other software and if there is a solution meanwhile?
Issue with exporting PDF
Re: Issue with exporting PDF
I exported the image as a png, and then created a pdf from that png ~ and it was even worst, the printer could open the file! With acrobat reader on windows! I start to dislike pdf a lot more 

Re: Issue with exporting PDF
Sounds strange.
Maybe the png was so big in a dimension that it couldn't be handled anymore as a pdf?
There are some limitations of the maximum size if I remember right.
Anyway creating a pdf from a png is not a good option as the png is lossless, the -raster- pdf made of it is lossy.
More problems may appear when using a clipping mask with a gradient for an example, if saved as a pdf.
You will hate pdf-s if you try to edit them after reopening.
Maybe the png was so big in a dimension that it couldn't be handled anymore as a pdf?
There are some limitations of the maximum size if I remember right.
Anyway creating a pdf from a png is not a good option as the png is lossless, the -raster- pdf made of it is lossy.
More problems may appear when using a clipping mask with a gradient for an example, if saved as a pdf.
You will hate pdf-s if you try to edit them after reopening.