Daddies Little Girl - Colours

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Daddies Little Girl - Colours

Postby microUgly » Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:14 pm

Pencils: King-Cheetah - Daddies Little Girl
Inks: Me - Daddies Little Girl - Inks
Colours: Me

You'll notice I adopted Coco's method of creating realistic hair, but this isn't the best example of its use.

I actually had a lot of trouble exporting this. In 0.45 her lips disappeared and in 0.46 sections of her hair (the scratchy bits) were cropped off in places. I had to export one from 0.45 and one from 0.46 and put them together in Photoshop.

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Re: Daddies Little Girl - Colours

Postby sas » Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:13 pm

microUgly wrote:I actually had a lot of trouble exporting this. In 0.45 her lips disappeared and in 0.46 sections of her hair (the scratchy bits) were cropped off in places.

That's odd - doesn't Inkscape use the same renderer for PNG export as it uses on-screen?

microUgly wrote:I had to export one from 0.45 and one from 0.46 and put them together in Photoshop.

Alternatively, you could have tried the Batik rasterizer. If that doesn't work, there's probably something wrong with the SVG file.

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Re: Daddies Little Girl - Colours

Postby microUgly » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:00 pm

sas wrote:That's odd - doesn't Inkscape use the same renderer for PNG export as it uses on-screen?

I'm not a developer, but I don't think so because exporting can be slower than the time it takes to draw the screen.

sas wrote:Alternatively, you could have tried the Batik rasterizer. If that doesn't work, there's probably something wrong with the SVG file.

I'll have to keep that in mind. Thanks.

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