Need a logo designed and improved.

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Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby online1988 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:19 am

I am a newbie to inkscape and I need a help with my logo design. MY logo is attached here.
This is the logo. I want it redesigned and inkscpaed. It is logo for my jewellery company.
logo.jpg (7.42 KiB) Viewed 13524 times

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:47 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Oh, it will be very difficult to reproduce that logo precisely with Inkscape! It was clearly made with a raster graphics program. However, since you say you want it redesigned I think Inkscape can produce an awesome logo for you!

I'm not really very good with logos, but we have other members who are. Just to get some preliminary questions out of the way though, maybe you could clarify what you want. Do you want a drastic redesign? Recreating it with Inkscape will make a big difference in how it looks, without changing any of the elements or placements thereof. I could actually work up something like that, just to give you an idea.

But I suspect that "our logo people" will suggest something simpler. Do you have any ideas about what you want to change or what you want to keep? And actually I'm not clear if you're asking for someone to volunteer to do it for you, or if you just need guidance in doing it yourself?

When you say you want it "Inkscaped" does that mean you need it in a vector format (SVG)? Or do you want what Inkscape does best (arguably) a line drawing/cartoonish style?

It looks like a fun drawing to play with, and I think I'll snag it and see what I can do. Just for my own fun and practice! If it turns out ok, I'll post it, but don't get your hopes up. You'll get much better advice from others :D

PS - You might search the forum for "logo" because there are already many topics, with excellent advice, already posted. Especially in the Work in Progress forum. Oh! I just noticed that you've posted this in Inkscape and GIMP forum. Do you want to use both programs for this project? Or did you post it here because GIMP was used to create the original logo?

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby online1988 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:53 pm

I was after the logo going to a white background with green text and artwork to match, with a corresponding Prestashop theme.

What are raster graphics btw? I don't know much about this graphics. I just need the logo redesigned according to what I said. Actaully, this was designed by someone else.

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:22 pm

Raster graphics is the kind that The GIMP makes. But since you didn't mention GIMP, I'm going to move this topic to the Help forum where it may get more attention. Here's the Wikipedia info on vector graphics, so you can learn a little bit about the difference

Also, if you're not aware of the difference between vector and raster graphics, then I'm guessing you don't need it to be in a vector format. That opens up a whole new world for you in finding someone to design the logo for you, because literally any graphics program could do it (apparently).

I've never heard of Prestashop so I looked it up. It's like an online store for selling things, right? If there is a "Prestashop theme" or some sort of requirements for logos (size, shape, color, etc.), you'll need to provide that info, if you hope for someone to design this logo for you. Make it as easy as possible for your volunteer!

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby Maestral » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:58 pm

I`m wondering, if you know who made this logo, why don`t you just ask him to remove black from the background?
I believe it would be the easiest way possible.
:tool_zoom: <<< click! - but, those with a cheaper tickets should go this way >>> :!:

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby Deven247 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:22 am

I can help you! Just give me some time!

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby brynn » Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:25 am

Welcome to the forum Deven247!

Nice work! All Inkscape?

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby flamingolady » Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:47 am

Is this along the lines of what you are looking for? There are a couple of different ways to accomplish this, I followed a tutorial on Learning Digital Design, then decided there was a faster way to accomplish parts of it. To be honest, I used an extension and now can't remember the order, but, if it's what you are interested in I will see if I can re-create it. It's not exactly a beginner project, but, it was fun to do.
green eyeball.png
green eyeball.png (60.98 KiB) Viewed 13359 times

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby druban » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:11 pm

That's a very nice eyeball, Dee! I can imagine it took quite a bit of work! All done in Inkscape?
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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby flamingolady » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:32 pm

thanks Druban (though it doesn't come close to some of your wonders!). I've got 2 versions actually, and there is one filter on this one that I did in Gimp, now that I'm thinking about it. It was a filter I saw used on something else and decided to use it for one eye part, for lack of a better word, the part that gives the definition to the lens. The filter used is called distorted wind, then I polarized it to get it on a sphere, then added the black iris on top of it, and added various shadings (geez, I need to go look up the parts of the eye). I jotted down a few notes when I made it, but you'd have to be fairly good in GIMP to understand my chicken scratch because I'm not even sure I can follow it again and get the same results. It would be nice ot have some of GIMP's filters on here wouldn't it.

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby PotionPhoenix » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:29 pm

How is the logo coming?

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby Lazur » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:39 pm

Which one?

The original poster's?
The image provided there wouldn't work well even if placed on a white background.

As suggested in the post above yours -by a possible spammer?
They have some not-so-good ones in their examples too.
However there are a number of sites you can pay graphic workers to make you a logo.

Do you want to have your own logo?

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Re: Need a logo designed and improved.

Postby Drew2 » Tue May 27, 2014 7:11 pm

Yes I feel that you should pay someone to do logo design for you. Many sites like CrowdSpring let you to get professional quality of logo at fraction of prices.

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