Entertainment Services Logo

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Entertainment Services Logo

Postby NBerserk » Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:49 am

This is for my brother's new business. It is a Photography and DJ service, one-stop-shop sort of thing.

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Re: Entertainment Services Logo

Postby Kjohrf » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:44 pm

There is some good and not-so-good in this logo.

First, there is very fine detail. What if you need to reduce the size of the logo in an ad or brochure?
It may not look great.

The encapsulation (line around the whole logo) is good. Ties things together. The traced
drawings are nice, notwithstanding my first comment.

The big lettering is a bit rough. You might consider using existing fonts, possibly moving
the letters around as you did to give interest. And you might separate them off a bit
from the images so they don't compete so much. When someone first looks at the logo,
you want them to be able to read it easily. Think of usage on a sign, driving by quickly.

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Re: Entertainment Services Logo

Postby RM. » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:51 pm

Remember, less is more. ;) For me there are too many things, try playing with simple paths like circles and squares. :)
I'm just someone who likes to create.

Logopond - CGsociety

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Re: Entertainment Services Logo

Postby RobA » Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:25 am

If you consider simplifying, you can play on balance, since when you break it down both a camera (from the front) and a turntable (from the top) are a rectangle with a circle (lens in one case and platen in the other).
so the logo could look like:
[o] JEL [O]

(much more boring than yours, however!)

-Rob A>

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Re: Entertainment Services Logo

Postby NBerserk » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:48 am

This is an updated version. Much cleaner. I agree with you, kjohrf, that the fine detail was too much. I Told this to my brother but he needed something quick. That shrinking-down and getting fuzzy was made evident to him and he came around. I'm not too worried about the (quick read" factor because of the size and scope of the business at this point. They will be more at bridal shows, at bars and nigtclubs, etc. They like the graffiti font used for the letters, so here is the cleaned-up final.


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Re: Entertainment Services Logo

Postby atombat » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:50 pm

Hello, this is my first post, having been an inkscape user for the past few months I thought I'd stop by the forums and see what the community was all about, I couldn't help but respond to this post when an idea clawed it's way outta my skull, I couldn't stop it. I was going along with the other commenter who suggested less is more, but if you kinda reorganise the more.... well I cant explain it in words I thought of these two pics.



The name just suggested Jelly chunks. :)

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