This has been irritating me a while now. How do you remove parts of a complex vector? I have been trying to google this. For example, I download a EPS vector from online, import it in Inkscape.
When I try to select it with the Selection tool, it selects the entire vector:
When I swipe with the Node tool,nothing happens:
When I click with the Node tool, it only selects one character, so this will take forever. Any tips?
How do I select parts of a vector?
Re: How do I select parts of a vector?
TryShift + Ctrl + Kto ungroup the objects.
Sometimes you have to repeat the operation several times, keep an eye on the status field at the bottom to see what objects that's selected.
TryShift + Ctrl + Kto ungroup the objects.
Sometimes you have to repeat the operation several times, keep an eye on the status field at the bottom to see what objects that's selected.
Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Re: How do I select parts of a vector?
At the bottom of the screen is the indication line, that can tell you what is selected.
In your example, objects are grouped together.
Text is converted to paths, and characters grouped together too.
You can switch to outline mode (Ctrl+5 on the numpad twice) to see if any clipping is involved -area's edges displayed with green.
If not, you can select all objects and ungroup them (Shift+Ctrl+G) until there are no more groups, then you can select all parts with rectangle selecting.
If you don't want to ungroup them, you can still select objects inside, by entering a group:
double click on it, or press Ctrl+Enter when selected.
Ctrl+Backspace to exit the group, or select something outside the group.
Once you entered a group, you can rectangle select parts of it.
At the bottom of the screen is the indication line, that can tell you what is selected.
In your example, objects are grouped together.
Text is converted to paths, and characters grouped together too.
You can switch to outline mode (Ctrl+5 on the numpad twice) to see if any clipping is involved -area's edges displayed with green.
If not, you can select all objects and ungroup them (Shift+Ctrl+G) until there are no more groups, then you can select all parts with rectangle selecting.
If you don't want to ungroup them, you can still select objects inside, by entering a group:
double click on it, or press Ctrl+Enter when selected.
Ctrl+Backspace to exit the group, or select something outside the group.
Once you entered a group, you can rectangle select parts of it.
Last edited by Lazur URH on Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: How do I select parts of a vector?
Ok, when I have a graph like this below, i cant only select one staple. And the ungroup option isnt given. The grphs are clearly separated from each other but I cant only select one of them. How do I solve this?
Re: How do I select parts of a vector?
Looks like a compound path,
Press Ctrl+Shift+K to break it apart to it's subpaths.
Press Ctrl+Shift+K to break it apart to it's subpaths.