><>< Likely to function export as png to clipboard with a ..

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><>< Likely to function export as png to clipboard with a ..

Postby taotao555 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:49 pm

><>< Export as PNG to Clipboard

I try Ctl + C and paste program OOo.
It turns out that some distortion.

So I made the 3 Step.
1. Press export2png (300 dpi).
2. And then followed it and kept it press Ctl + C.
3. Press Ctl + V to OOo.

Likely to function export as png to clipboard with a single button.
So that it can be placed at other programs (Openoffice, etc.) more easily.

I thank you for good programs offline.
Thank you. :D


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Re: ><>< Likely to function export as png to clipboard with

Postby Grobe » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:44 pm


I see no points of using clipboard (assume you use Windows). Clipboard doesn't support transparency so the graphic won't be as fine as with the exported file. Only exeption is when copy from within the same application.

I do have a better idea (because windows system needs to use temp files to move data between apps)

Alternative one:
Have a little button in Inkscape (maybe in Export-dialog)
That little button can be possible to drag into another application such as Open Office.
What really happens is that the PNGfile is created in a temporary location (temp dir) and any programs that support drag a png file into it, act just the same way as if you drag a png file into it from windows explorer.

Alternative two:
Do it manually:
  • Open the export png dialog
  • Make your decision where to store the png image file.
  • COpy the path
  • Export the png file.
  • Switch to another application (Open Office in your case)
  • Insert object -> picture -> Browse -> Ctrl+V (to paste png file path)

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