Saving SVG with 96 ppi instead of 90 ppi?

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Saving SVG with 96 ppi instead of 90 ppi?

Postby tabicat » Fri May 24, 2013 11:55 pm

I have access to a laser cutter, but the computer that controls the laser cutter uses Corel Draw. I would like to use Inkscape to create my drawings and then import the SVG into Corel Draw.

Unfortunately, it appears that Inkscape uses a hard-coded 90 ppi for SVG files, but Corel Draw assumes 96 ppi. For now, I have to manually scale the image before saving the file, but this is awkward. Is there any way to get Inkscape to use 96 ppi when saving SVG files automatically?

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Re: Saving SVG with 96 ppi instead of 90 ppi?

Postby Lazur » Tue May 28, 2013 5:12 am

Don't have coreldraw so cannot really speak on how that opens svg-s.
But, when opening an inkscape saved plain svg on a notepad, there is no part in the codes that would containing the resolution of the svg.
Thus some "scaling like" function will always be needed.
If you could hack the document preferencies panel to use custom units, and you added a 1,066.. pixel long unit, you could work without the manual scaling.
Have no idea how to do that though.

Edit: did you try to set pixels as the document's basic units, or mm/inch?
That may solve the problem, like it did here.
Last edited by Lazur URH on Tue May 28, 2013 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Saving SVG with 96 ppi instead of 90 ppi?

Postby flamingolady » Tue May 28, 2013 5:52 am

hi, and welcome to this forum!

I'm wondering if there's a decent work around, like exporting as a png file from Inkscape (as file/export bitmap), then opening up in another program (like GIMP), changing the dpi's, then open in Corel draw? I've never used Corel Draw so don't know if that would even work really, but GIMP can open svg's or pngs, etc. There are a couple of cutter users on this forum, not sure how often they check in, but maybe one will pop on to help you out. (I have a Cricut cutter but honestly haven't used it much, it's old) .

EDIT - Briefly looked at GIMP again, but don't see how to change the dpi's, so scratch that idea, sorry.
Maybe checking out info at a cutter's forum would get quicker/more results from folks who have dealt with this issue.
Last edited by flamingolady on Tue May 28, 2013 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Saving SVG with 96 ppi instead of 90 ppi?

Postby Lazur » Tue May 28, 2013 6:05 am

^-Coreldraw is a vector program, and cutters work vector based.
If you export to png, you lost.
Have you experienced with gimp, opening svg-s? I have doubts it could handle them right.
Then to save with it again as svg-s? On what end?
There is no data for any resolution in the basic codes of the svg.
It wouldn't do anything.
My guess is that all the svg-s have the same measures in pixels, and only the converting to like metrics is different in the two programs.

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