Inkscape will not load fonts

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Inkscape will not load fonts

Postby ddreier » Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:29 pm

I've read some of the FAQs and other posts here, and cannot find a solution to my problem. Inkscape will not recognize the latest font I've installed on my system (XP SP2), even after a re-install. Getting this font to work is quite important as it's for a 'client's' company and they want to use their font. OpenOffice, WordPad, and others see the font.

P.S. it's OpenType


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Re: Inkscape will not load fonts

Postby microUgly » Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:11 pm

From the FAQs:
OpenType fonts (green/black 'O' icon) come in two subtypes: TrueType outlines and PostScript outlines. To tell the difference, double click the font file from Control Panel, Fonts and read the second line of text. Inkscape supports TrueType outlines but not PostScript outlines.

Your OpenType font might be PostScript.

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Re: Inkscape will not load fonts

Postby ddreier » Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:21 pm

Ah, ok thanks, I'll have to check that when I get a moment!

EDIT: Welp, it's a PostScript font, thanks!

PS: Know any way to convert it?

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