Inkscape and Processing

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Inkscape and Processing

Postby StevenD » Tue May 10, 2011 10:50 am

Here is a study illustration I drew up that is being used in a Processing sketch. The illustration was done completely in Inkscape 0.48 using the Calligraph Tool with the Trace setting enabled. I drew background shapes using linear and radial gradients in grays and used those to get my ink sketchy look. I then loaded it into my Processing sketch and disabled the style of the image so I can then manipulate the various elements within the svg file. So far in playing around with it I have background colours of the background, vessel, and lid of the vessel change over a period of time using some random numbers. This is a rough test and I am working on another more refined illustration.


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These two screen captures show two colour change stages.

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Re: Inkscape and Processing

Postby chriswww » Tue May 10, 2011 1:40 pm

perhaps you could show a video how it was done?
the only thing i would suggest is having the horizon horizontal and maybe a bit higher to help balance. and also the bottom part with vertical strokes looks too much like grass; unless it actually is grass? :)
very nice effect

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