Looking for recommendations for good gcode generators for laser plotters

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Looking for recommendations for good gcode generators for laser plotters

Postby bonobono » Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:40 am

Hello all,

I just got a plotter with a 7W TTL PMW laser. As the original software sucks to say the least (EleksCam), I have started looking for alternatives, and found LaserGRBL, which works great.

However, I'm having difficulties generating a decent gcode from my project. It's true, the file is complex, but it should be possible to generate a simple code out of it - after all, it's all vectors. Here's a sample. Now, I'm aware of the gcodetools plugin, but I cant get it to generate laser relevant gcode (in fact I'm only getting .ngc files, which are not supported by LaserGRBL). I have also tried Repetier laser tool and J Tech Photonics Laser Tool, where the latter produces fine results for simple outlines, and former is simply no good.

LaserGRBL has been presented as being able to generate very nice results from simply tracing a bitmap, but after many tries I haven't achieved a satisfactory result (after exporting my svg to either png or pdf, and then tracing it).

Can anyone recommend a functional solution, please?

Edit: Managed to combine the paths in a sensible way in sample.svg, but am now having problems with consistent deviations from path generated by J Tech Photonics.

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Re: Looking for recommendations for good gcode generators for laser plotters

Postby brynn » Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:56 am

These are all the extensions I know of which produce gcode. I don't know if any of them would work for you. There may be a couple more somewhere, I'm not sure.

Laser Engraver - http://www.instructables.com/id/Pocket- ... are-ready/
http://www.slackersdelight.com/instruct ... graver.zip

Laser Engraver - https://github.com/FlexiLee/laserengraver same as above

Raster2Laser Gcode Generator - https://github.com/305engineering/Inkscape

Unicorn - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5986
https://github.com/martymcguire/inkscape-unicorn gcode for MakerBot Unicorn Pen Plotter

SphereBot Gcode - https://github.com/firebovine/inkscape-spherebot
http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:7656 modified version of Unicorn extension

MrBeam - https://github.com/mrbeam/mrbeam-inkscape-ext fork of Nick Drobchenko's gcode tools

TCNC - https://github.com/utlco/tcnc gcode for specific CNC machine

Inkscape Gcode - https://d-bl.github.io/ (quite old)

Wirecutter - http://sourceforge.net/projects/wirecut ... ape-plugin generates Gcode for a 2D wirecutter with a turning table

TH Laser - https://github.com/lansing-makers-netwo ... ape-plugin (deprecated) and https://github.com/parogers/thlaser creates Tcode for think|haus hackerspace laser (thinkhaus.org)

Laser Plugin for Attraktor Makerspace - https://github.com/attraktorhh/inkscape_laserplugin is based on TH Laser plugin above

Laser Engraver - https://github.com/ringo2k/laserengraverInkscapeplugin creates gcode for Marlin firmware (RepRap)

GcodePlot - https://inkscape.org/en/~arpruss/%E2%98%85gcodeplot 3-axis gcode for a 3D printer with a plotter/cutter attachment, more info: http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-3D- ... tercutter/

Laser Cutter Raster Engraver - https://inkscape.org/en/~guillermo.soto ... -extension or https://github.com/guiEmotiv/inkscape-l ... r-engraver Maker-Welt

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Re: Looking for recommendations for good gcode generators for laser plotters

Postby Iasall » Sat May 25, 2019 12:14 am

Does anyone know of a laser gcode generator extension that works with Smartto?

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