Detecting click inside a path

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Detecting click inside a path

Postby chancharles » Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:10 pm

Hi, I am new to SVG and Inkscape. Is there anyway I can make the area inside a path clickable? It appears that if I use the "Create Link" in Inkscape, it only makes the path itself clickable but not the area within the path.

Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Re: Detecting click inside a path

Postby microUgly » Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:49 pm

When you say clickable, do you mean to be able to select it with :tool_selector:? If so, I don't think there's anything you can do. If an object does not have a fill, or the fill is completely transparent, you can't select it.

Likewise, if an object has no fill or stroke, you can't select it at all with a click of the mouse. Instead you have to drag a selection around where you guess it would be, or switch your view mode from normal to outline.

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Re: Detecting click inside a path

Postby brynn » Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:38 am

I think he's talking about making URL links.
And I'm only guessing here. But does the path have a fill? If not, try giving it a transparent fill. If that doesn't work, try making 99.99% transparent.

If the path already has a fill, and you still have to click on the path or stroke, then I'm thinking you'll have to manipulate the code in XML Editor. Unfortunately, I know very little about XML :(

I've played around with adding links to text, but not to paths...
Last thought -- is the path closed? If not, maybe it should be closed, to allow clicking in the fill area?
Sorry, wish I could be more help. But hopefully other members will know more about it.

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