I am using python to create a bunch of plots of my data and then Inkscape to layout individual plots and schematics within panels of a master figure. I also add some extra elements such as panel names and titles.
Every time I modify something in my Python code, I have to manually paste the svg/pdf plots into Inkscape. I have noticed that if I create the plots as raster images instead of vectors, I can insert a link in the Inkscape document, and have the figure panel update every time I regenerate the plots in python, which is phenomenal!
Currently I am using this approach with a high DPI, but ideally, I would like to insert a link to a svg/pdf file so that the entire figure is a vector instead of a high DPI, big sized raster. I have seen that it is possible to include pdfs (don't think svgs work) in this manner in Adobe Illustrator .ai-files, and I wonder if there is any way to do it in Inkscape as well?
When I insert image links, Inkscape creates a tag in the svg similar to this
Code: Select all
width="466.55328" />
I can modify the path to point to an svg file, but Inkscape will automatically convert the svg to a low resolution raster. If I change the path to a pdf, I get an error. Is there anything I can modify in the svg-code to be able to link pdf/svg-files and have them render in Inkscape as vector files?