How can I create an arrow with a contour for visibililty?

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How can I create an arrow with a contour for visibililty?

Postby KIAaze » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:28 pm


I would like to create a yellow arrow with black edges/controur for better visibility on a slightly yellowish background.
How can I do this?

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Re: How can I create an arrow with a contour for visibililty

Postby tomh » Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:39 am

1) Create a line
2) Add arrow marker on the line: select line, Object->Fill and stroke->Stroke style. Increase the stroke width to your liking.
3) convert the path into an object (Path->Stroke to Path)
4) Union the path and the marker to each other (select both, Path->Union)
5)Change the new objects fill and stroke colour and size to suit.

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Re: How can I create an arrow with a contour for visibililty

Postby KIAaze » Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:17 am

Ah, thanks a lot, had a few problems at first, but got it to work.
I'm already starting to love inkscape. :)

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