Using Inkscape for sticker printing

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Using Inkscape for sticker printing

Postby jamiesince1990 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:01 am

Hello, I am new to inkscape and would like to know how to go about setting out stickers to be printed, should I set them out on an A4 size document or create a document that is the specific size of the stickers, my supplier uses a vinyl cutter to cut the stickers out so im not too sure about setting cut lines either.

Thanks in advance for help. :D

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Re: Using Inkscape for sticker printing

Postby samueldellicour » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:26 pm

With regard to the document: I think that's a question to ask to your supplier. If he/shel tells you to that a document the size of the sticker is enough, it's easier for you. If not, you'll have to copy/clone your sticker on a A4 document.

I don't know about cut lines.

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