engraved letters

Post questions on how to use or achieve an effect in Inkscape.
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engraved letters

Postby user » Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:44 am


how can I achieve that engraved green letters look?



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Re: engraved letters

Postby BobSongs » Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:55 am

Since there are a variety of effects applied to the letters in the background of this image, it would be best to direct you to HeathenX's video tutorials for tips on how to apply effects to objects.

It's hard to say "Do this to a letter" because each letter is somewhat different from the next.

a word about heathenx's videos
HeathenX's video tutorials have a goal for each tutorial: making a license plate, adding chrome effect to letters, and so on. Even though each tutorial focuses on a particular subject, the video demonstrates how to use a variety of Inkscape's tools to get to that final conclusion. In my opinion this is a bit better than being told how to use a single tool for one video. The difficulty here is to point to a single video and say: "That one shows you how to bevel letters".

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